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Pilsley C of E School

Wear Something Christmassy Day

On Friday 11th December, we will be having a non-uniform 'wear something Christmassy' day in support of Ashgate Hospice. 


Ashgate Hospice receive just 28% of their total funding from the NHS and mostly rely on fundraising and income from their charity shops.  Covid-19 has had a serious impact on fundraising events and subsequently the temporary closure of shops during the lockdowns has also included charity shops. 


This charity is particularly close to our hearts. Ashgate Hospice are really struggling with funding at the moment and have had to make a significant amount of redundancies recently. Therefore, we thought it would be a great local charity for us to try and support this Christmas. 


Please don't go out and buy anything specifically for this non-uniform day; the children are free to wear a Christmas jumper, a Christmas hair accessory, a party dress, a Christmas hat, something red etc. 


We are suggesting a minimum donation of £1 per child for the non-uniform day and as we are not accepting any cash in school; if you would like to make a donation, please follow the link below:

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