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Pilsley C of E School

Modern Foreign Languages

Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) Curriculum Statement



The intent of our Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) curriculum is to deliver a curriculum which is accessible to all and that will maximise the opportunities for each child to have experience of the language and culture of another country. It aims to help them to communicate in another language by developing their language acquisition skills over time, and to tackle problems and gain confidence through practise, patience and resilience. Through learning a Modern Foreign Language, the children are given the opportunity to feed their curiosity of other cultures and deepen their understanding of the world.


Learning a Modern Foreign Language helps our children to develop a life skill, working through problems together to build the ability to communicate for practical purposes. The MFL curriculum at Pilsley enables the children to explore the cultural diversity of those around them, and to notice the differences and similarities in language and culture. We provide our children with opportunities to hear other languages spoken in the native tongue, and to practice speaking aloud through games, using puppets and songs. Through the MFL curriculum, we seek to inspire and celebrate high levels of self-belief and self-esteem, encouraging positive achievement and confidence. Our curriculum seeks to promote the children’s interest in exploring how they can express themselves in a different language.


At the core of our MFL curriculum is the NC programme of study, which is personalised for our pupils. Progression is ensured by the teaching of specific skills that are practised in small steps throughout the school and built upon. Effective assessment of impact includes the appraisal of their own work and the work of others. This curriculum prepares our children for their future education and life beyond by giving them skills to communicate beyond their own language.




Modern Foreign Language is taught at KS2 through learning German. The children have regular weekly sessions throughout the year, so that they can revisit and build on their learning. This structure allows children to develop a depth of understanding as well as enabling them to retain the knowledge through consolidation and progression. At Pilsley, we use the Goethe Institut’s: ‘German with Felix and Franzi / Deutsche mit Felix und Fanzi’ which provides a range of videos, stories and songs to ensure the children hear the vocabulary of German spoken in the native tongue. Additional resources, such as ‘Early Start for German’ are used in UKS2.


Each lesson aims to cover:


  • Engaging in conversation in German with increasing confidence
  • Engaging in songs, rhymes, games and creative activities
  • Listening and responding to German spoken in the native tongue
  • Exploring the patterns and sounds of the language
  • Asking questions and responding to questions asked by others
  • Broadening their vocabulary and understanding of new words
  • Writing in sentences, using a variety of grammatical structure


Our MFL curriculum vocabulary bank covers topics including:


  • Greetings
  • Numbers
  • Colours
  • Animals
  • Learning about Germany as a country
  • Cultural events in Germany
  • Myself and my family
  • Food
  • Clothes
  • The Weather


These topics are taught over a two-year cycle. The subject lead identifies the key knowledge and skills of each topic, enabling progression throughout each class across KS2. At the beginning of each lesson, children are able to convey what they know already as well as what they would like to find out. This informs the programme of study and also ensures that lessons are personalised and take account of children’s different starting points. Consideration is given to the accommodation of our greater depth learners as well as to the support pupils may need to access the programme of study.


MFL is taught discreetly across the school. There may also be opportunities to link MFL objectives to our class projects throughout the year. MFL is embedded in school life at Pilsley.

Our school PRAISE vision is fully implemented through daily acts of worship as well as being brought into our class learning and life around school continually. These key values are:












Each lesson builds upon previous learning, the children are able to reflect on the vocabulary they have previously learned.  Written work is recorded through books and games are played to assess recall of vocabulary. This continuous cycle allows class teachers to amend any lessons to ensure coverage of learning for individual children and ensures sticky knowledge ex. Assessment for Learning is embedded in practice, with both staff and children continually reflecting on their learning, allowing for support and extension in both knowledge and skills.

Assessment for MFL includes the ability to recall German phrases and vocabulary over time, speaking, writing and engaging with increased confidence.


Learning German - meet our German friends: Felix and Franzi!

Meet our German friends!

They are two hand puppets, a frog called Felix Frosch and a duck called Franzi Ente. They live in a special German letterbox. Having recently moved to the UK from Germany, the two characters experience many adventures which form the theme for each chapter.

The characters are loved by the children and they enjoy learning  through songs, video and games.

The children learn about the culture of Germany and learn vocabulary around the themes of:

  • Greetings
  • Colours
  • Numbers
  • Food
  • Animals
  • Weather
  • Clothes
  • Dates - days and months


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