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Pilsley C of E School

PTA Fundraising

Friends of Pilsley School will be limited this year on how much they can fundraiser, due to the small number that attend meetings, all of whom work full-time. Every parent or guardian are automatically a Friend of Pilsley School, but it takes attendance to the meetings to make things happen. So please join us and we can raise money for some great educational opportunities for our children.


  • Thank you to the overwhelming numbers who attended the summer fair. Together we raised £1462 which will be split between the 3 classes for the teachers to decide for to spend it.

  • Thank you to Sarah Porter, Claire Scothern, Miss Dennis and Mrs Thompson who have agreed to sponsor the tuck shop. Please email us if you wold like to sponsor other months at £12 per month.

  • The PTA has also funded £100 towards the children’s Christmas presents from school.  The star off the week/head teachers award certificates and the year 6 badges.

  • £450 has been given to the school for musical education.

  • Each class as usual will get £150 to spend on whatever the teacher feels is needed for the class.
  • Easter eggs purchased for every child.

If you have any ideas we can use for fundraising during the current climate, these would be greatly appreciated.  Please speak to any member of the committee or simply email your ideas into school and they will be passed on.


The summer fair raised £1462


The Online Christmas Fair raised £765,  spring/summer fair £663, Freezy Friday and other events over £100. 


The recycling of ink cartridges and toners has raised £137 so far. Thank you to the Devonshire arms in Pilsley, Beeley, the Cavendish at Baslow and the Chatsworth estate office for there support. 


The second hand uniform sale raised £104 last year  - thank you everyone who donated, helped and bought. 

I would like to thank everyone on the committee, staff, and the people who helped or donated at any events through last year, without you all, we could not continue to support the children’s school experience.

How else can you help?


We’d like everyone to contribute something but we know people are busy and have many calls on their time and money so here are some ideas of how you can help:

  • Bake a cake to sell at one of our events;
  • Help out on a stall or serve teas for as long as you can spare; even half an hour makes a big difference to our ability to run events;
  • Donate a raffle prize or ask someone you know if they can;
  • Come to one of our lively meetings;
  • Buy a tea-towel/mug/apron for Father’s Day or Christmas;
  • Donate old toys, books and bric-a-brac for us to sell at the summer fair; 
  • Come to our events and spend money!
  • For all our current fundraising initiatives head over to our PTA Events page.


Donation direct to school

Some parents have told us that whilst they want to support us, they have no time and would like to make a donation to our funds instead. If you would like to do this we would be delighted to receive donations.  We can accept payments made by BACS to 'Friends of Pilsley School' Sort Code: 16-12-24 Account Number: 10125496


In 2015/6 we spent a lot of time trying to register for Gift Aid.  We discovered that we needed to become a Registered Charity and have two named individuals on the committee willing to be responsible for the Gift Aid part and in particular, one of the would have to do a tax return for the PTA.  We do not have these skills currently on the committee, and are concerned that every 2 years or so, it would have to be other named people doing this, so ultimately Git Aid remains elusive unless anyone reading this has experience setting up Gift Aid and would like to help us!  Please get in touch! 




There is plenty planned for the coming months (see Forthcoming PTA Events and Activities webpage and school calendar!) and your help and support would be greatly appreciated. We’d also love to hear about any other ideas for fundraising so please let any of the PTA Committee know.
There are a number of ways that we can raise funds through our normal everyday activities. Here are a few suggestions – if you know of other ways then please let us know.
Get Online
  1. Buy from selected catalogues and a percentage of the sale goes to the school. Try these:
    1. Webb Ivory – for your cards, wrapping paper, gifts, home ware, outside equipment and craft supplies
    2. Yellow Moon or Baker Ross– for your art and craft supplies and toys
    3. Phoenix Trading Cards – for all your cards from birthdays to thank yous. They are great value too.
    4. Sutton Seeds seed catalogues – for all your gardening requirements – it’s the time for planting!
  2. Go through a registered website to do your online shopping and earn commission for the school.
  3. Try  and select Pilsley CofE Primary School, Bakewell
  4. The school PTA now have a giving machine account, this website donates money to the PTA when you shop online to register please go to and select Pilsley CofE Primary School, Bakewell


Let Work Help
Some companies will match fund whatever parents and friends have earned for the school in return for a bit of publicity in the school etc. Why not ask the company you work for if they offer such a scheme. It might not be on a pound for pound basis but every little helps. Please let the PTA Committee know if your company can help.
Thank you to everyone who helps/supports/contributes.
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