All children at Pilsley Church of England School wear school uniform. We believe that it creates an environment of equality and mutual respect, and we encourage the children to be proud of their identity as members of our community.
The children wear:
• Royal blue sweatshirt or Royal blue sweatshirt cardigan with the Pilsley logo
• Gold polo shirt with the Pilsley logo or a plain gold polo shirt
• Grey trousers / shorts/ skirt / pinafore
• Grey socks / tights to be worn with grey skirts/ pinafores/ trousers
• Blue and white gingham dress with white socks (usually worn in the summer months but not exclusively)
• Black flat shoes
The children need to have a suitable sunhat in school during the summer months. All children are required to bring in a water bottle to school each day.
During the academic year of 2024/25, on the days that the junior children have PE, they should wear their PE kit to school with either their Pilsley school PE hoody or school jumper. Infant children need to bring their PE kits to school in a bag.
PE kit consists of:
• Royal blue shorts or dark tracksuit bottoms or leggings
• Pilsley blue PE t-shirt or a plain blue t-shirt
•Trainers (PE pumps for the infants)
Infants have book bags, and Juniors have rucksacks to bring their belongings into school each day.
From September 2023, children are permitted to wear plain stud type style earrings only for school. However, earrings must be removed for PE and the school takes no responsibility for any earrings which are lost or damaged at school. Earrings must be removed for PE sessions by the child. If there is a medical reason as to why earrings cannot be removed for PE, parents are asked to provide plasters which the child will use to cover their earrings. Jewellery and nail varnish are not permitted; the children may wear a watch but these must be analogue or digital watches (no smart watches please).
The PTA often have a supply of second hand uniform please see the PTA page for details.
Please help us by labelling all items of children’s clothing!
Uniform is supplied by Parade Schoolwear (formally known as Kick Off Sports in Matlock) or School Trends.
The only branded items of uniform we request are the school jumpers / school cardigans. All other items can be purchased from the High Street.
Orders for branded items can be done direct from the companies using the following links:
Kick Off Sport- Matlock. You can either visit the store to purchase uniform or order online at
or order directly from school trend online (these items may take slightly longer to arrive than Kick Off Sports)
Your School Uniform : Marks & Spencer ( (a suggestion for non-branded uniform purchases who stock both gold polo shirts and royal blue PE t-shirts)