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Pilsley C of E School

Who are the PTA?

What is the Friends of Pilsley School?

The Friends of Pilsley School is the school's parent and teacher association (PTA).  Every parent is automatically a member of the PTA which is an umbrella organisation of parents and friends of the school, who work together to support it . This can be through fun events, fundraising, welcoming new parents to the school and occasionally consultation meetings .
How does the school benefit?
Numerous ways! 
Fund-raising for important things such as new school equipment, ie. IPads, laptops, maths equipment, art supplies and much more.  
(In previous years we have supported playground improvements and made contributions to new classrooms). 


Fun bits and bobs such as subsidised trips to the pantomime, school discos, Christmas books, and Easter Egg Hunts, as well as the ever popular Christmas and Summer Fairs which amongst other things provide a fantastic opportunity for our young children to be in a safe environment with their own purse and understand the real meaning of running out of money!


Having a formal PTA provides us with indemnity insurance for events that are run by the PTA and access to many resources and ideas.


Your Current PTA Committee


  • Chair = Rebecca Vardy and Katy Wood
  • Vice chair/ recycling = Emma Coleman
  • Treasurer = Kevin Parkes
  • Minute secretary/website = Liz Parkes


Everyone is part of the PTA and are welcome to join the PTA Committee.


Welcome to our school website. We are a 3-11 year old school and have our own nursery. Please call to book a visit on 01246 583203

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