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Pilsley C of E School


‘There is a strong sense of family where everyone plays a vital role in ensuring the safety and happiness of the whole school community. Canon David is passionate about his role within school and provides the school with support for all pupils and staff spiritual development. He is a regular visitor to school and the children express their love for him coming into school to worship through music.Behaviour in school is outstanding and pupils have a natural care and respect for each other. The school recognises pupils as all God’s children and is determined that all pupils are included regardless of their additional needs. The school has a highly dynamic and inspirational headteacher who is passionate about Christian values and leads everything through these values. She has skilfully and consistently ensured the Christian values are explicitly rooted at the heart of the school, by her strong leadership and willingness to learn and share new ideas. Her openness encourages enthusiasm, drive and involvement for all staff to maintain a strong focus on outcomes for all learners including their social, moral, spiritual and cultural understanding’.

What is SIAMS?

In addition to Ofsted inspections, Church schools also undergo a denominational inspection - the Church of England's Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools, SIAMS, which assesses the effectiveness of Church of England schools as Church schools.

At the heart of the SIAMS process is school self-evaluation carried out by staff and governors.  This evidence is then examined by an inspector who also makes his or her own observations before producing a report based around four key questions.

  • How well does the school, through its distinctive Christian character, meet the needs of all learners?
  • What is the impact of collective worship on the school community?
  • How effective is the religious education?
  • How effective are the leadership and management of the school, as a church school?

This enables a judgement to be made against set grade criteria.


We were inspected in October 2017 when the distinctiveness and effectiveness of Pilsley as a Church of England school were judged to be:


A copy of the latest SIAMS inspection report can be accessed below:

SIAMS Report- October 2017

Bible WOW day - see the RE learning page for more!


PRAISE Team Collective Worship

Welcome to our school website. We are a 3-11 year old school and have our own nursery. Please call to book a visit on 01246 583203

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