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Pilsley C of E School


Computing Curriculum Statement


Why are we teaching the subject? What do we want our children to gain from learning the subject?


In an ever-changing digital world, computing lessons equip children for the future by providing opportunities to gain knowledge and develop skills. Children follow a progression of skills in the strands: digital literacy, computer science, information technology and internet safety.  The computing curriculum at Pilsley enables the children to practice these skills in creative ways that are linked to their topic. We seek to inspire in our children a confidence in using technology in our rapidly developing and changing technological world. We aim to promote resilience, independence, critical thinking, communication skills and problem solving. Our computing curriculum promotes the children’s interest in a variety of technology, maximising their potential and presenting to them the many benefits of technology.


At its core is the NC programme of study, this is personalised for our children by dividing the key strands into sub-strands and linking these to our Cornerstones topics and the children’s interests.


Progression is ensured by revisiting the key strands repeatedly through a range of topics. This ensures that learning is embedded and that children become competent in safely using and understanding technology.



How is the subject taught? How is the subject organised throughout the school?

Computing is taught in class groups in regular weekly sessions throughout the year, so that children can revisit and build on their learning. Children also use computing skills throughout their topic work in other subjects. This structure allows children to develop a depth of understanding as well as enabling them to retain the knowledge through consolidation and progression.


At Pilsley, we use the national curriculum objectives for teaching computing. We also use the Sheffield Primary Computing Progression which breaks down the key strands into six sub-strands that provide objectives and skills that children need to learn.

The sub-strands are:

1 & 2. Communicating: Text, Images and Multimedia

3. Understanding and Sharing Data

4. Programming

5. Computational Thinking

6. Online Safety and Digital Literacy

Our long term plans ensure that these strands are covered each year so children will continue to revisit them throughout their learning in computing. At Pilsley we link our computing planning to the Cornerstones topic that the children are doing. This gives purpose to the skills that the children are implementing.



How do we know what each child has learnt? What evidence do we have?

Children have their own folders on our pupil network to evidence their key learning in each topic. This allows the class teacher to access their work easily and provide feedback for the next lesson. Pupils receive constant verbal feedback from their teacher during lesson time, opening up a dialogue to discuss their work and how to move forward.


At the end of each topic the children are always given the opportunity to share with their peers. We assess what they have created using two stars and a wish. Two things they have done to meet the objectives and something they can focus on to improve.


The implementation of this curriculum ensures that children are competent and safe users of technology. They will have developed skills to express themselves creatively using digital media and apply their computational thinking.


Assessment for Learning is embedded in practice, with both staff and children continually reflecting on their learning, allowing for support and extension in both knowledge and skills. In every area of school life our pupils are given very high expectations in their behaviour. We have a successful rewards and consequences system, which progresses throughout the school to maintain effectiveness.

Welcome to our school website. We are a 3-11 year old school and have our own nursery. Please call to book a visit on 01246 583203

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