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Pilsley C of E School

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We had fun exploring shadows as part of our Light topic in Science

Our trip to Creswell Crags: We visited the caves to see and reimagine how people lived in the Stone Age. We built Stone Age shelters from sticks and animal skins and reorganised the bones of some Stone Age creatures to put them together again in the right arrangement. Can you guess which one is the wolf? We also saw a tooth from a woolly mammoth!

Dr Mark Wood, one of our governors, came to work with us as part of our science topic on Humans. We learned about the key areas of Health and Wellbeing, including exercise and also sleep!

Class 3 have begun our lessons with Derbyshire Music Service. We are learning to play the violin!

We celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee with a range of fun activities

Our completed v-shaped valley models

Building our v-shaped valley box models

Spring Flowers

We have been loving our outdoor learning in Forest Schools. We have built dens, made bird feeders and toasted marshmallows on the fire! Yum!

Class 3 visited Eureka! and had a fabulous day exploring all the hands on exhibits to enrich their science learning.

Alice in Wonderland by Books to Life visiting company

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Class 3 visited the wand shop at the start of their Potions topic.

Christmas Dinner Fun!

Skeleton Building

Stone Age Forest School - building shelter, hunting mammoths, starting fires, sharing a meal and cave painting.

World Book Day 2020 - So many different stories!

World Book Day - Performance Poetry inspired by Michael Rosen

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Enjoying the snow

Viola Concert

Huge thank you to the PTA for funding our fabulous collection of new reading books! We are so excited to start reading them!

Journey Through the Digestive System

Plaque tablets

Cello Spectacular!

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Science - Light

Viola lessons



On Monday we had an afternoon of art in school. Each class hosted a different activity and we visited each classroom in our houses. In Class 3 we were drawing hands for a kindness tree.

Can you find your hand?

Welcome to our school website. We are a 3-11 year old school and have our own nursery. Please call to book a visit on 01246 583203

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