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Pilsley C of E School


A selection of ideas to choose from

Winter Hunt

How many of these wintry sights can you spot when you're out on a snowy adventure?

•fresh snow •icicles  •frost •ice •snowflake •frozen stream •footprints •melting snow

Snow Angel (ensure it is safe to do so first)

Make a snow angel! What other shapes can you make in the snow?

A simple, one-line picture poem

Snow is … have a go at a word or more to describe snow, especially if you’ve just been out in some!

Encourage with simple suggestions, such as soft, cold, fluffy, fun… For more adventurous writers, encourage interesting words like - smooth, gentle, swirly, floating, peaceful, pure white, white as icing sugar, calm, exciting, magical, twinkly, crunchy.

Welcome to our school website. We are a 3-11 year old school and have our own nursery. Please call to book a visit on 01246 583203

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