The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework
The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework sets the standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to five years. All schools and ofsted registered Early years providers are required to follow the framework including childminders, pre-schools and nursery and reception classes.
The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework is the statutory guidance for the curriculum in the Foundation Stage. In the Foundation Stage the children are taught through a mixture of child-led activities and adult-led tasks with an emphasis on learning through games and play.
There are seven areas of learning in the curriculum. "All areas of the curriculum are important and interconnected. Three areas are particularly crucial for igniting children's curiosity and enthusiasm for learning and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive. These three areas are the prime areas"
EYFS statutory Framework 2017
The Prime areas:
The specific areas:
The EYFS curriculum is based on four guiding principles:
At Pilsley C of E Foundation Stage the indoor and outdoor classrooms are arranged in areas to enable children to access activities that cover all aspects of the curriculum. In addition, the children follow an imaginative learning project from the Cornerstones curriculum each half term which adds focus and challenge to the areas of continuous provision. The topic focus allows us to enhance the learning and is flexible so that we can follow the children's interests and build on their experiences in their play and development. Through a carefully planned mixture of child-led activities and structured tasks, tailored to individual needs, the children are able to make excellent progress in all areas.