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Pilsley C of E School

Upcoming Pilsley C of E PTA Events

Dear Parents and Carers,


Coronation Tea Party and Cake Competition

The PTA is holding a ‘Coronation Tea Party’ on the school field on Friday 5th May from 3.15pm onwards. As part of the celebrations, we are holding ‘The Great Pilsley Bake Off Decorate a Cake Competiton’. There is an open section for adult entries if anyone would like to enter from the village. £2 per entry. It would be lovely if any of the village would love to come and support. This will also be a non-uniform day with a £1 donation, payable via ParentPay.


Dog Show Advance Notice

There will be a dog show held on the Village Green on Saturday 10th June between 12-5pm.  The green will be fenced off for the event and parking will hopefully be on a field near the Farm Shop.  This is a relaxed afternoon and we hope the inconvenience to the village will be minimal.  All welcome and refreshments will be available. 


We will also be making it very clear that people must clear up after their dog and there will be extra poo bags available too! More information to follow nearer the time. 


PTA Summer Fair

The PTA will be holding their annual Summer Fair on Thursday 6th July, 5pm-7pm on the school playground. More information to follow nearer the time. 


Kind regards,




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