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Pilsley C of E School

Newsletter 27.10.2023

Dear Parents and Carers,


Thank you for all your understanding with the early closure of school last week due to the extreme flooding. Lots of parents offered lifts to help those who couldn't make it through to school via their usual routes so thank you for all your kindness and care, it was very much appreciated.   


We have an INSET day on Monday 6th November so the children return to school after the half term break on Tuesday 7th November. 


Mrs Thompson is still waiting for the arrival of her baby which is due in November. We will, of course, keep you posted when we have some news! Mrs Dey has settled in superbly to our staff team and the children are really enjoying all the fun activities and challenges she is setting for them each day. Mrs Dey is running parent consultations on Wednesday 8th November and Monday 13th November. 


A reminder that Y3 and Y4 are out at their dodgeball tournament on Thursday 9th November and will need collecting from Bakewell Junior school at 3pm. On the same day, Class 4 are also out all day on their trip to the Imperial War museum in Manchester. Class 4 should be back at school for 3.15pm but Mrs Field/Miss Davison will let you know if there are going to be any significant delays.    


PTA update

We are excited to announce that Bex Vardy and Katy Wood have taken the helm of the Friends of Pilsley School (FOPS) as joint Chair. They have worked hard in the background on tuck shop (huge thanks also to Becky Lovell), held a dog show, cake competition and wonderful wreath making in the last year so they are coming in with a lot of energy and amazing ideas. 

Please show them your support and if you think you could make a meeting once a month and take notes please email them on


We’d also like to say a huge thank you to Becky Spray, the outgoing Chair who will still be coordinating second-hand uniform sales, bags2school and putting energy into organising events where she can. Kevin Parkes remains as treasurer and Liz as website and promotion. 


Please join us at our next event a Christmas disco at the Cavendish Hall on 8 December ‘23, 16:00 ‘till 17:30. Book here for online price of £2.50 on door price £3. PLEASE NOTE: Children must be supervised by a paying adult at all times.


We will be holding a Christmas raffle again this year so if you are able to donate a prize please do email us on we are always grateful for your support. Raffle tickets can also be brought here for £1 each


Thank you for your continued support.


Friends of Pilsley School


On behalf of all the staff, we wish you a very happy and restful half term break and look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 7th November.


All best wishes,

Mrs E Bond



Welcome to our school website. We are a 3-11 year old school and have our own nursery. Please call to book a visit on 01246 583203

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