Dear Parents and Carers,
Y6 roles
We are incredibly proud of the way in which all of our Y6 children have taken on their new leadership roles within the school over the last few weeks. They really are a fantastic group and we're very much looking forward to seeing all their enthusiasm and energy result in some wonderful work this year!
The Y6 roles are:
Head Boy - Harry
Head Girl - Eva
Senior Prefects & Digital Leaders - Maisie and Daisy
Sports Captains - Sophia and James
Worship Lead - Harry
Librarian - Maddie
Eco Captain - Verity
Cavendish House Captain - Freya
Devonshire House Captain- Kiara
Hartington House Captain- Ella
Burlington House Captain- Isobel
Just a reminder that we do recommend that long hair is tied back for school in order to prevent outbreaks of headlice. If children do opt to wear their hair down for school, they must be able to tie their own hair back securely for PE due to health and safety reasons. Thank you for your ongoing support.
Please read the letter below regarding harvest donations:
Dear Parents and Carers,
Each year at harvest time, we try and support those in need by offering to give what we can to help people who aren't as fortunate as us. This year, we are continuing to support a cause which Canon Dave introduced us to a few years ago. The Padley Centre in Derby city is an organisation which supports people at risk of homelessness, poverty and hunger.
Here is a list of items which the Padley Centre are most in need of to help the homeless people they support:
Food: Food must be in date and unopened:
Cheese |
Fresh meat |
Cooking sauces |
Rice pudding |
Cooking oil |
Sliced bread |
Sugar |
Custard |
Potatoes |
Fruit squash |
Table sauces |
Tinned fruit |
Margarine/butter |
Long life milk |
Jam |
Cakes |
Vegetables |
Tea and Coffee |
Tinned fish |
Eggs |
Sausages |
Gravy |
Tinned meat |
Tinned pasta |
Bacon |
Biscuits |
Tinned vegetables |
Non food items:
Shampoo |
Kitchen roll |
Conditioner |
Toilet roll |
Soap |
Washing up liquid |
Deodorant |
Laundry powder |
Shaving foam |
Laundry softener |
We understand that lots of people are struggling at the moment with the cost of living so please give what you can. We are teaming up with our local churches in Edensor and Beeley for this Harvest donation appeal, so all donations need to be in school by 9am on Monday 2nd October please. Feel free to bring in any non-perishable goods on Friday 29th September if this is easier for you.
Thank you for your help,
Eva (Head Girl), Harry (Head Boy), Maisie and Daisy (Senior Prefects)