Dear Parents and Carers,
It seems such a long time ago now, but we hope you enjoyed the Easter break. It's been lovely to hear all about what the children have been doing during their holidays.
There was a lot of excitement this morning during Collective Worship when our ECO Team announced that we would be hatching some duckling eggs this week! The eggs are arriving tomorrow and are due to hatch on Thursday. We're really looking forward to the whole experience and are sure the children will learn lots and take away some lovely memories! We will keep you updated later this week!
It was great to welcome Gordon Montgomery from Oundle School and the Y5 children from Baslow for a special KS2 mathematics master class on Friday morning. The children were amazed by the mathematical tips and tricks and they all really enjoyed the roadshow. There will be photographs appearing on the school website very soon if you'd like to take a look!
The Y2, Y3 and Y4 children are off to the summer sports festival in Youlgrave on Thursday afternoon. We're really hoping the weather picks up by then as it doesn't exactly feel like the weather for summer sports!! 😬 The children need to wear their PE kit for school and bring a water bottle and waterproof coat with them please.
We are taking the children there and back on the school bus so pick up arrangements should all be as usual. The end of day school bus may be running a few minutes later than usual but will run as planned.
The PTA are holding a second-hand uniform sale on Friday after school. If the weather is dry, the sale will take place on the playground but if not, the sale will be downstairs in the toddler room instead.
All best wishes,
Mrs E Bond