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Pilsley C of E School

Newsletter 19.01.2024

Dear Parents and Carers,



On Thursday 1st February, the children on the PRAISE Team and some of our Y6s will be leading a Christingle collective worship. Unfortunately, we're unable to use the church on this occasion so we're going to have a little service in school instead. We will put some photographs on the school website for you to see as sadly, we don't have enough room in the hall to invite all our parents along. In preparation for Christingle making, please can you send your child into school with a large orange on Monday 30th January as they will make their Christingle at some point that week and bring it home afterwards. 


Class 3 clarinet recital

Just a reminder that Y3/Y4 parents and carers are very welcome to come into school on Monday 22nd January at 2.30pm for the clarinet recital. It's due to start at 2.40pm so please arrive from 2.30pm. 


Parent consultations

On Monday 30th January, sign up sheets for parents to make an appointment to meet with their child's class teacher will be made available on classroom doors. 


Mrs Field- Y6 children- Tuesday 13th February 


Miss Davison- Y5 children- Monday 12th February 


Mrs Dey- Y3 and Y4 children- Tuesday 13th February 


Mrs Anderson- Reception/Y1/Y2 children- Tuesday 13th February 


Have a lovely weekend,


Mrs E Bond


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