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Pilsley C of E School

Newsletter 15.09.2023

Dear Parents and Carers,


Young Voices- Junior children

We would be very grateful if any outstanding consent slips for Young Voices could be brought into school onMonday 18th September rather than the original deadline of 25th September as we'd like to get our choir numbers registered as soon as possible. Many thanks.


Harvest collective worship

We would like to invite parents and carers to join us in school for our Harvest themed collective worship on Thursday 5th October at 9am. We anticipate that this should last around 20-30mins. If you could please let the office know if you are intending to come nearer the time, we can organise the right number of chairs 🙂



We have received feedback this morning from the local community about parking in and around the village at school drop off and pick up times. Whilst parking can be difficult for us, please can we ensure full consideration is made for residents trying to get in and out of South View as well as the junction at the top of the village. 


It has been highlighted that if people park close to the entrance onto South View, it makes it incredibly difficult and dangerous for residents to pull out of their lane safely as their view is obstructed. Similarly, please do not park too close to the junction on the main road as this obstructs the view for people pulling out of the village.


Another local resident has also asked if parents could refrain from blocking the pavement with their cars when parking on the main road as it means access is compromised for people with pushchairs/wheelchairs. There was an incident reported yesterday afternoon when a pedestrian was unable to walk past a vehicle who had parked on the pavement and instead, had to walk out onto the main road to get past. 


Your support with parking in and around the village is always very much appreciated, thank you.


Wishing you a lovely weekend,

Mrs E Bond


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