Dear Parents and Carers,
Term Dates
The children break up for the Easter holidays on Thursday 28th March and return to school on Monday 15th April.
We have an INSET day on Friday 24th May so the children break up for the Spring half term on Thursday 23rd May and return to school on Monday 3rd June. The children break up for the summer holidays on Tuesday 23rd July.
We will be publishing our list of INSET days for the 2024-25 academic year very soon and you can find term dates for next year on our school website.
Class 3 parents- Y3 & Y4
If you haven't yet returned your child's consent slip for the hockey event at Tideswell next Thursday afternoonand the Clarinet workshop in Buxton next Friday morning, please can you do so by Monday 18th March so we can finalise our arrangements- thank you.
Easter service- Thursday 28th March, Edensor church- 2pm
We are holding an Easter service at St.Peter's church in Edensor on Thursday 28th March at 2pm which is our last day of term. You are most welcome to join us for this service and it would be lovely to see you there. However, if you are unable to make the service, please arrange to collect your child from church at 3pm. The homeward school bus will not be running that afternoon so all children will need to be collected from church please. If your child goes to 623 club, please arrange with them for your child to be collected from Edensor church. Many thanks.
Class 4 are selling their homemade Easter goodies as part of their PTA Enterprise project after the church service. Please do come and have a look and stock up on some Easter gifts!
Oundle STEM Roadshow- Friday 19th April
As some of you may remember, last year some of our junior pupils watched a STEM roadshow at school which was delivered in partnership with Oundle school and Imperial College London. I'm delighted to say that we have been invited to host another STEM roadshow in school this year on the morning of Friday 19th April. We have also invited some junior pupils from Baslow school to join us again this year too.
We have also been asked by St.Anselm's to share an invitation with you to attend the STEM Roadshow at St. Anselm's Prep School on Thursday 18th April at 5.15pm.
Please note, the show in the evening at St.Anselm's is the same as the one which they will be watching the following morning in school! However, if they would like to watch it twice, you are most welcome to take them and see the show for yourselves! Please see the attached flyer for more details.
An opportunity to meet the Archbishop of Canterbury- a message from the Diocese
Our Bishops are delighted to extend an open invitation to our school families to meet the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev'd Justin Welby on Saturday 13 April at Crich Monument. The site will be open to the public from 11:45. Please feel free to bring a picnic!
For further details, see the Eventbrite link below and book directly via this link.
Wishing you a lovely weekend,
Mrs E Bond