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Pilsley C of E School

Newsletter 14.07.2023

Dear Parents and Carers,


Peter Pan

Our junior children gave us two incredible performances of Peter Pan this week at the Cavendish Hall. They lit up the stage with their confident performance skills as well as their beautiful singing voices. We all felt tremendously proud of each and every one of them as it takes such courage to stand on a stage and speak and sing in front of so many people. Huge thanks to all the staff for all their hard work to put the show together, it was a great team effort this year! We have arranged for the juniors to perform the play for the infants in school on Wednesday afternoon next week so they don't miss out on watching it!


Y6 SATs results

Mrs Field, Miss Davison and I are all super proud of our Y6 children following the publication of the KS2 SATs results this week. The percentage of our pupils who achieved the expected standard in each subject was well above the National average in all areas and this is testament to the children's hard work, determination as well as the huge amount of work which went into preparing the children so well for these tests. These results will soon be published on our school website.


Appointment of new teacher for Y3/Y4

Following an interview process earlier this week, I'm thrilled to be able to tell you that we have appointed Mrs Wendy Dey to join us as class teacher for the new Y3 and Y4 children once Mrs Thompson begins her maternity leave in October. Mrs Dey has worked extensively across the primary phase of education for many years and is very adept at teaching KS2 children in a mixed age class. Mrs Dey will be in touch with the Y3 and Y4 parents very soon to introduce herself and she will also be coming into school to get to know the children before Mrs Thompson goes off on her maternity leave. 


Dukes Barn residential- Y2 and Y3

A reminder that the Y2 and Y3 children will need to bring a packed lunch with them on Monday morning please to take with them to Dukes Barn. They will need to come dressed in their own clothes (not uniform) depending on the weather. Please leave their lunch bags and luggage in the outside classroom when you bring them to school and please make sure all items (including bags) are clearly labelled as it makes things much easier! Collection time is 2pm from Dukes Barn, Beeley on Tuesday afternoon. 


New Reception children taster morning- Monday 17th July

Our new Reception children will be coming into school on Monday morning for their second taster session. They will be staying for lunch on Monday so please collect your child after lunch at 12.30pm from the main entrance. 


Leavers' service- Friday 21st July

You are most welcome to join us for our end of year Leavers' service at St.Peter's church, in Edensor as we say goodbye to our Y6s. The service starts at 2pm and all the children will be taken down to church on the school bus. 

If you aren't able to come to the service, please collect your child from church between 3pm-3.15pm. It is likely that the school bus won't be running on Friday afternoon but Mrs Read will send an email to bus parents next week to confirm this. If your child usually goes to 623 club, please arrange with them for your child to be collected from church on Friday afternoon.


On behalf of all the staff, we would just like to say a huge thank you for all your help, kindness and support this academic year. It is very much appreciated. We hope you all have a wonderful summer break and fingers crossed that we get to see some sunshine!


School resumes for the children on Wednesday 6th September 2023.


All best wishes,

Mrs E Bond


Welcome to our school website. We are a 3-11 year old school and have our own nursery. Please call to book a visit on 01246 583203

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