Dates for the diary 2018-19
Sunday 23rd September- 10.45am- Harvest Festival service at St.Peter’s, Edensor. Please let the office
know if your child can attend.
Thursday 25th October- ‘Wear Red’ non uniform day to support the Poppy appeal launch.
Friday 26th October- INSET Day
Monday 5th November- Back to school
Wednesday 12th December- 5pm- Class 1 and Class 2 Nativity at St Peter’s, Edensor.
Thursday 13th December- 5pm- Class 3 and Class 4’s carol concert at St Peter’s, Edensor.
Monday 17th December- 3pm- Class 1 Nativity at Chatsworth Farmyard
Tuesday 18th December- Reception-Y6 Pantomime visit to Buxton Opera House
Thursday 20th December- Christmas Party Day
Friday 21st December- INSET Day
Monday 7th January- Back to school
Wednesday 9th January- Young Voices concert at Sheffield Arena
Friday 1st February- 2pm- Christingle service at St.Peter’s, Edensor.
Friday 15th February- Break up
Monday 25th February- Back to school
Friday 12th April- Break up
Monday 29th April- Back to school
Monday 6th May- May Day holiday
Monday 13th May- Y6 SATS week
Friday 24th May- INSET Day
Monday 3rd June- Back to school
Monday 15th July- Y2 and Y3 residential visit to Dukes Barn in Beeley
Wednesday 17th July- 1.30pm- Sports Day
Thursday 18th July- 2pm- Leavers service at St.Peter’s, Edensor
Friday 19th July- INSET Day