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Pilsley C of E School

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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Covid-19 information sources

    Tue 17 Mar 2020

    We are currently experiencing an unprecedented situation with the rapidly changing advice and guidance around Covid-19. We would like to keep parents and carers as up to date as possible by directing them to the following means of information. The latest government advice can be found at

    The latest advice and guidance from the Local Authority can be found at

    Public Health England for the East Midlands information can be found as follows:

    PHE East Midlands response centre- Telephone 0344 2254524 followed by Option 0 to get through to East Midlands Health Protection Team, then press option 1 and ask for the Coronavirus response centre which opens from 8am-8pm.

  • After School Clubs

    Tue 17 Mar 2020
    Schools are having to make difficult decisions at the moment to mitigate the levels of risk for staff and children due to Coronavirus. We have taken the decision to stop all after school club provision from Monday 23rd March. This includes Joe Greaves, Premier Sports and Mrs Smail's clubs.
  • Covid-19 Update

    Mon 16 Mar 2020

    None of us can escape the news at the moment about the Covid-19 virus. We have been receiving advice which has been issued to all schools by the Department of Health for several weeks. Generally speaking, we are carrying on as usual until we are told anything different via the official channels. However, in light of the current rapidly changing situation with Coronavirus, the governors and myself have taken some sensible precautionary measures to prevent the potential spread of infection within the school and these measures are as follows:


    Junior children- Classes 3 and 4

    From tomorrow, (Tuesday 17th March) we are requesting that all junior children in Classes 3 and 4 are dropped off on the playground in the morning and collected from the playground at the end of the day to minimise the number of people entering the school premises in the short term. Staff will dismiss junior children onto the playground at the end of the day.


    Infant children- Classes 1 and 2

    From tomorrow, (Tuesday 17th March) we are requesting that all children in Class 1 and Class 2 are dropped off in the Class 1 outdoor area and collected from there as usual at the end of the day.


    Updated guidance issued today by the DfE

    Staff, young people and children should stay at home if they are unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature to avoid spreading infection to others. If staff, young people or children become unwell on site with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature they should be sent home. Further information can be found at


    Coronavirus (COVID-19): UK government response - GOV.UK

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new strain of coronavirus first identified in Wuhan City, China in December 2019. Public Health England is working to contact anyone who has been in close contact with ...




    Bus children

    There are no changes to the travel arrangements for the children who use the school bus and they will come into school and leave via the main school door as usual.


    Collective worship

    At times of unease and uncertainty, collective worship is a place for drawing strength from being in a community of love, a time for reassurance and an opportunity to remember and reflect upon our Christian beliefs. With this in mind, we have taken the decision to continue with this important element of our day in classrooms rather than communally in the school hall from tomorrow.


    Handwashing procedures

    We have of course further raised the profile of hygiene in school, increasing the frequency of hand-washing and we have shown the children how to wash their hands thoroughly. Staff are monitoring a regular handwashing cycle for children throughout the day in order to help prevent any potential spread of infection. Children will also be asked to wash their hands when they come into school in a morning.


    Cleaning routines

    The school is following the most up to date guidance from Derbyshire County Council and is conducting twice daily touch point cleaning e.g. door handles, light switches etc as well as the rigorous regular cleaning schedule.


    Emergency contact numbers

    We would be very grateful if you could check that your emergency contact details are up to date and notify us of any changes so we can update our school records accordingly. Thank you.


    In the meantime, if you have any further questions or queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


    Mrs E Bond



  • Coronavirus Update

    Fri 13 Mar 2020

    Cases of Covid-19 are spreading in a large number of countries across the world. Whilst the number in the UK is still relatively low (below 600) they are rising steadily each day.
    Schools receive daily government guidance, and we are in regular contact with the Local Authority regarding the county-wide situation. Advice suggests it is very likely that the number of cases will continue to rise during the next few weeks.
    So far government strategy has been to try and limit the number of infections; this was called the Contain Stage. This advice has now changed to the Delay Stage. During this, the focus is to slow down rates of infection as it moves into the general population.
    At this current time, school is open and operating as usual and pupils are expected to attend every day. As always, our school will continue to follow national guidance. As and when the situation changes for our school, following advice, we will contact you again.
    Please note the latest advice below which applies to adults and children: Stay at home for 7 days if you have either:
     a high temperature (37.8 degrees or higher)
     a new, continuous cough
    Autumn 2017
         Perseverance Respect Achievement Independence Service Enthusiasm
    Our Collective Worship Theme this half term is:

    If members of your family are showing symptoms of either of the above and even if your child/children are not appearing unwell, the advice from 111 is that children should stay at home for 7 days.
    Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital.
    You do not need to contact 111 to tell them you're staying at home.
    You should remain at home until 7 days after your symptoms started. After 7 days, if you feel better, and no longer have a high temperature, you can return to your normal routine.
    If after 7 days you are not showing any signs of improvement, and have not already sought medical advice, you should contact NHS 111.
    A cough may persist for several weeks in some people, despite the coronavirus infection having cleared. A persistent cough alone does not mean you must continue to self-isolate for more than 7 days.

    Water bottles in school
    Please ensure that your child brings a water bottle into school each day as we have removed all the plastic cups from the classrooms. Water bottles will be sent home at the end of each day for cleaning.

  • Update

    Tue 03 Mar 2020
    We are continuing to keep you updated on the government’s response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus).


    The Department for Education have launched a new helpline to answer questions about COVID-19 related to education.  Staff, parents and young people can contact the helpline as follows:


    Phone0800 046 8687

    Opening hours8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)


    Coronavirus (COVID-19): Latest information and advice -


    Please note, for hygiene reasons, we are requesting that children bring in their own water bottle into school if they do not already do so.

Welcome to our school website. We are a 3-11 year old school and have our own nursery. Please call to book a visit on 01246 583203

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