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Pilsley C of E School

Photography Competition!

At the beginning of March, class 3 and class 4 were set a task of taking photographs of 'Spring'.  The children were then asked to submit their favourite one for a photography competition! 


All the entries were amazing and are now proudly displayed around school.


The judge for the competition was Felicity Dowding, who is studying for a BSc Natural History and Media Degree at the University of Wales.


Today the winners were announced and the reasons behind why Felicity chose their photograph.


Class 3


1st Place - Grace

"I really liked how you chose to take a picture of a clump of snow drops rather than just one flower and you've made it interesting by taking a picture from above the flowers"


2nd Place - Daisy

"I liked how the background of this picture is not in focus, but you can still clearly see the blossom and the branch it's growing from"


3rd Place - Samuel

"What I liked about this picture was how bright the daffodil was and how its got a nice simple background behind it"



Class 4


1st Place - Alana

"What I like about this picture was how you managed to capture the dew drops on the flower as well as taking it from a very nice angle where we can see the inside of the plant"


2nd Place - Alex

" This picture is very clever, I like how the purple really stands out from the black and white background and then how the orange stands out from the purple petals"


3rd Place - JayJay

"I really liked how the daffodil is in the centre of the image but you also decided to capture the water behind and got very lucky with those two ducks joining in"

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