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Pilsley C of E School

Newsletter 10.05.2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


Pilsley Proms!

On Monday 20th May, we are hosting our own Pilsley Proms with a musical coffee morning in the school hall starting at 9am. We will be serving hot drinks in the hall from 9am and Mrs Townsend will be leading the musical element of the morning. If your child has music lessons at school, they will have been asked already if they would like to play something at the Proms. There is no pressure for the children to play if they would rather not. Likewise, if your child plays an instrument outside of school and would like to join in with the Proms, please contact with your child's name, the name of their instrument and the title of the piece that they would like to play. We anticipate that the Proms will last for approximately one hour. Everyone welcome ๐Ÿ™‚


FOPS Events:

  • Freeze Pop Friday – today after school- all ice pops 50p


  • End of Term Thursday 23rd May - non school uniform day £1

Sweets/ cakes/ ice pops available and a play on the green to celebrate the end of term! ๐Ÿ˜Šplease pay via the PTA link


  • Paint a pebble for a Garden Snake £2

If there’s anyone who didn’t get chance to buy a pebble at the uniform sale these are still available. All enquiries to Bex Vardy / Mrs Allinson. Bex will be selling stones after school again today.

All decorated pebbles to be returned by Thursday 23rd (last day of term). All proceeds raised at this event will be re-invested into the school garden to create a sensory area/ water feature.


  • Bags2school Collection - Thursday 6th June


  • ‘The Great Pilsley Bake Off / Decorate A Cake Competition’ - This was a great event last year; the children loved this event and made some fabulous creations. This year, the theme will be the ‘Olympics’, £2.50 an entry. Please support well again, we will be running the following sections – Nursery/ Reception, Year 1 & 2, Year 3 & 4, Year 5 & 6. There will also be an ‘open section’ for adults too, so please do get involved… any star bakers out there? Please get your grannies, friends, etc, involved! There will be some fantastic prizes once again kindly sponsored by Chatsworth Farm Shop.  Who will take the 'Pilsley Star Baker' Award this Year? We cannot wait to see your fabulous creations!  Date: Thursday 27th June, following on from Sports Day.


  • Fashion Show – Save the Date…Thursday 20th June. This is going to be a great evening event held at the Cavendish Hall, aimed at all parents and carers, please feel free to bring along relatives/ friends too for a fun night out! A high street fashion show, items available to purchase/ order on the night. £10 per ticket to include entry & a glass of fizz on arrival. This event is very kindly sponsored by Yorkshire Crisps. Further refreshments and snacks will be available to purchase on the night. Tickets available soon. Please come along and support…and save the date! Further details to follow๐Ÿ˜Š


  • The Summer Fair – July Date TBC. If there’s anyone out there that feels they could help/ run a stand please do get in touch with a FOPS team member. We need helpers to make this event happen! Thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š All proceeds raised from this event feed directly back into the classroom.


Please come along, support and attend the events, the FOPS are raising funds to enhance our outdoor spaces and hope to have raised enough funds for the start of a trim trail soon. We would love to reach at the least the £2024 mark this year to get this project off the ground!

Your attendance, help and support with these events will hopefully make them a success! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Thank you from the FOPS Team


Wishing you a lovely warm and sunny weekend,

Mrs E Bond


Welcome to our school website. We are a 3-11 year old school and have our own nursery. Please call to book a visit on 01246 583203

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