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Pilsley C of E School

Early Closure - Tuesday 7th January 2025

Dear Parents and Carers,


We are experiencing intermittent heavy snow showers in Pilsley at the moment. The roads are fine around here at present but if the weather is worse where you are and you would like to collect your child/children early, please come whenever you're ready. 


There is heavy snow forecast here from 3pm. In light of this, we have decided to close school a bit earlier, at 2.30pm to enable everyone to get home safely before the weather is due to deteriorate.  


Please come to the main entrance to collect your child/children. Unfortunately, the school bus won't be running at the end of the day. 


Many thanks,

Mrs E Bond


Welcome to our school website. We are a 3-11 year old school and have our own nursery. Please call to book a visit on 01246 583203

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