Today class 3 dived into their new topic - Burps, Bottoms and Bile. We spent the entire day investigating and researching all about the digestive system. First of all we were thinking about our teeth. What are they used for? How do we look after them? Everyone had chance to use a plaque disclosing tablet which was great fun. I bet some of the children still have purple tongues! Next, Cameron and Hannah braved the blindfold taste test and correctly identified six different items. I was particularly impressed when they were specific about the red pepper!
In groups, the class showed off their research skills, using books and laptops to find out more about the organs in our digestive system. Despite a little mix up between asparagus and oesophagus, the children were incredibly knowledgeable. To end the day the children took part in a digestion demonstration. Using kitchen items, the children imitated the jobs of the major digestive organs.
Digestion Demonstration:
Thank you class 3 for a superb start to the new topic!